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Energy Based Objects
AddLightOnCreateLineRenderer | Add light to a LineRenderer that was created with OnWeaponRaycastSpawn |
BlurEffect | |
Bullet | Super simple bullet physics |
BulletAudio | Plays audio when a bullet collides |
BulletHit | |
CameraGroup | The camera that will be used by a weapon in the WeaponReel scene |
ColorCorrectionEffect | |
ContrastStretchEffect | |
CreateAndParentOnCreateLineRenderer | Create(optional) a GameObject and parent it to a LineRenderer that was created with OnWeaponRaycastSpawn |
OnWeaponRaycastSpawn.EffectOptions | |
Energy | Holds energy and automatically regains/drains energy overtime |
EnergyCubeController | |
EnergyUser | Use up Energy when a ObjectShootingPoint is shot |
FramesPerSecondDisplay | |
GlowEffect | |
GravityGunAudioVisual | Controls the audio and area-of-effect transform of the Gravity Gun. Also controls shooting |
GravityGunController | Handles setting the projectiles, changing the illumation material for the Gravity Gun |
GrayscaleEffect | |
IComponentEventConnector | Lets other Components know that it can attempt to connect with it if the class it inherits decides to |
ImageEffectBase | |
ImageEffects | A Utility class for performing various image based rendering tasks |
InputEvent | |
OnWeaponRaycastSpawn.LineRendererOptions | |
LockMouse | |
MachineGunHeatHUD | A HUD for the GTB Machine Gun to show the ObjectWeaponHeat stats |
OnWeaponRaycastSpawn.MessageOptions | |
MotionBlur | |
MouseLook | |
MoveLineRenderer | Modifies two points of a LineRenderer |
OnWeaponRaycastSpawn.MoveLineRendererOptions | |
NoiseEffect | |
ObjectPusher | Pushes Rigidbodies and Bullets |
ObjectRaycastTurret | Fires multiple raycasts |
ObjectShootAudio | Plays audio when an ObjectShootingPoint is either shot or loaded |
ObjectShootingPoint | The base script from which objects can shoot from |
ObjectSpawnerPusher | Spawns projectiles then pushes them |
ObjectWeaponHeat | Stops an ObjectShootingPoint from shooting if the weapon becomes hot. Connects to all child ObjectShootingPoints |
OnCreateLineRendererBase | The base class that that you can extend to create scripts that grab and modify the LineRenderer returned in the event from OnWeaponRaycastSpawn.OnCreateLineRenderer |
OnWeaponRaycastSpawn | Receives the raycast info from the ObjectRaycastTurret and instantiates LineRenderers accordingly |
PhysicsTest | |
RaycastHitInfo | |
RigidbodyMovement | |
RocketController | Controls the Rocket projectile |
SepiaToneEffect | |
SSAOEffect | |
TextAreaAttribute | |
TextAreaDrawer | |
Timer | A timer that relies on FixedUpdate via Time.deltaTime and calls a function when the time has passed : Useful for delaying things like gun shots |
TurretController | Controls the Multi-Missile Turret |
TwirlEffect | |
VortexEffect | |
WeaponInfo | Shortened and technical versions of the information about the weapon |
WeaponLag | |
WeaponReelPointer | Points the weapon wherever the mouse cursor hits with a Raycast |
WeaponReelShooter | Controls GameObjects with the Weapon tag. Weapons parented to this object will be shot from this component. This component will also control which Camera is active |